Starting Tasks

Logging In

Before starting your tasks, you must first login to the accounts.

Click the Tasks Tab and then the Key icon to log in to the account.

Alternatively, you can login to an entire Group by pressing the Key icon at the top right of your account group.

Health Check

In order to verify that your accounts are healthy and ready to go, press the Shield icon. This perform a test checkout (without actually placing an order) and send the results via Discord.

Make sure to configure the Account Logs webhook on the Settings page, in order to receive these notifications.

Start Tasks

You can start all tasks by pressing the Start Tasks button, start individual tasks by pressing the Play icon or by group.

After starting, the task status should say Waiting for deals

On task initialization, the logic will evaluate if the account Supports Prime, and will not start if unsupported.

Please ensure all your accounts have Prime, or tasks will fail with the message:

Error: Invalid session, non-prime account!

Last updated