Got questions? We got answers! Here's the answers to the most common questions we receive.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Of course! You can choose to terminate your license at any time. You will be able to access the software for the remaining duration of your subscription period. If you do choose to re-subscribe in the future, however, you will need to pay the one-time fee again at the current price.

Why didn't I get any of XYZ item?

There are many factors that determine whether or not you successfully check out a deal or freebie. Sessions expiring, temporary account blocks, proxy blocks, payment issues, size of stock, number of accounts, your physical proximity to the location of the stock warehouse, just to name a few...

Why did the software use my gift card balance?

Currently this is a default feature of the retailer itself. We have it on our radar, and may eventually have an option to disable using the account's gift card balance.

Last updated