Configure Settings

Discord Webhooks are used to communicate information from Enven to you regarding successful orders and other notifications.


Account Logs Results from account Health Checks and session refreshes.

Checkout Logs Successful order confirmations will send to this channel.

Checkout Logs (Additional) Optional additional webhook, used only if you wish to share you success in more than one channel. Private - hides account and order details in the Checkout Logs (Additional) channel.

Login Settings

Maximum Simultaneous Browser Logins When logging in multiple tasks at once, this limits the number of browsers open and actively logging in at a time.

Browserless Logins Uses a task login method that does not require browser. This feature may not work on all accounts, and usually requires a high quality proxy that is trusted.

Other Settings

Automatically Cancel False Freebies Sometimes the order summary for a deal will display the incorrect price. This price can be a discounted value or $0. This is a bug on the retailer side, not with Enven.

  • This feature will attempt to cancel these orders automatically for you. If the order price cannot be confirmed or if the cancellation attempt fails, a notification will be sent for you to manually cancel the order.

Blacklisted Keywords Ignore deals with certain keywords in the product title. Applies to all tasks.

Blacklisted ASINs Ignore deals for specific product ASINs (skus). Applied to all tasks

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